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  • Things to do in Kilkenny

    Top attractions in Kilkenny

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    The best things to do in Kilkenny

    Magic and mystery characterize this town in Ireland.

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    Come with us to discover all the things to do in Kilkenny so that you don't miss a second of your vacation. The city has a magnificent castle full of history. The city's tourist office organizes tours of the castle, which is one of the great
    Kilkenny activities to experience first-hand. The tour begins with great stories through a film that
    shows everything that the walls have seen and experienced.

    Other stuff to do in Kilkenny includes watching hurling, an Irish sport that combines the wildest sides of hockey and rugby. Playing it is a real challenge, but there's an option for beginners so you can enjoy handling the wooden stick in baby steps. Only here can you participate in local activities while enjoying all the things to see in Kilkenny. In the area of ​​religious
    Kilkenny attractions,
    there's the Black Abbey, a place of serenity dating from the 13th century that has a spectacular
    representation of the life of Christ made out of approximately 10,000 pieces of glass. It's one of the major attractions in Kilkenny, and the huge rosette that crowns the facade is the largest in Ireland. From here you'll end up at an archaeological site. Near the Black Abbey there's a medieval house that's believed to have belonged to the abbot. Intact remains of their belongings and toiletries were found at the site. It's another one of the places to visit in
    Kilkenny that takes you
    through history.

    For more on what to do in
    Kilkenny, check out first-hand descriptions from users on Minube..

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