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  • Things to do in Almagro

    Top attractions in Almagro

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    The best things to do in Almagro

    Have you decided to visit Almagro? Perfect! The city has so much to offer travelers who visit its medieval architecture and the other

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    should know that of all the things to see in Almagro, the routes along its many castles are the best.
    If there is only one to choose out of all the places to visit in Almagro, then that would be the Castillo de Calatrava la Vieja, site of the first Spanish military order. Archaeological Park Alarcos-Calatrava is another one of the many wonderful attractions in Almagro where you'll learn more about its history and about the legacy of the Iberian occupation. Among the things to do in
    Almagro, visiting
    monuments like the Castle of Calatrava la Nueva won't disappoint you. Natural parks such as the Tablas de Daimiel,
    Cabañeros National Park and the Ruidera are three perfect places to enjoy nature with your family in natural enclaves. Other stuff to do in Almagro includes visiting the main square, as well as the city's many churches and museums. There are many galleries and places to see in Almagro related to art. The town has an ethnographic museum, contemporary art space and the National Museum of theater, which are all essential things to see when wondering what to do in
    Almagro. And after
    a long day of sightseeing, there are still more Almagro activities to experience. These include none other than its cafes and restaurants, places to enjoy the food and atmosphere of the city where you'll end a perfect day..

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