Great Wildlife
The Udzungwa Mountains are in central southeastern Tanzania, around 250 km southwest of Dar Es Salaam, a few km from Selous Game Reserve. It spreads over 1,900 km ². It was established in 1992 and was one of the last protected areas created in Tanzania. Its altitude ranges from 250 meters to 2,576 meters above sea level. The Udzungwa mountains are, after the Ituri Forest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the only national park in Tanzania that has rainforest lands that extend continuously from the low lands to the heights of the parks. It has one of the highest density of birds in all Africa. The park is the only one in Tanzania that holds eleven species of primates. The park is also home to animals such as the elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, several species of duiker, bushbuck, bushpig, badgers, civet cats, hippos, gazelles sabers, Saltrock, pangolin, mongoose, squirrels, badgers and others. In the middle of this wealth of fauna are the Udzungwa Falls. They are spectacular,